My name is Ellis. Elwaxis Gifts is a new business that I set up in March of 2021. I’ve always bought candles, and recently become a fond user of wax melts too. However, I always found that many products that I bought weren’t the most environmentally conscious.

With consideration for the environment, coupled with my love of being creative, I started making wax melts. This soon led to candles too. At Elwaxis Gifts, we use soy wax which is significantly more eco-friendly than the traditional paraffin wax. Paraffin wax comes from the refinement of lubricating oil, meaning it is a petroleum-based wax directly associated with fossil fuels. This is a non-renewable resource. However, soy wax comes from processing soybean oil – the blend we use is totally natural. It is also cruelty free and vegan friendly!

Soy wax is also longer lasting, not to mention safer than paraffin wax! This is because paraffin can secrete toxic fumes… our soy wax and fragrance is non-toxic and safe.

I didn’t want to just have a more environmentally friendly wax. Deforestation is a massive issue for the environment, and therefore, for every sale here at Elwaxis Gifts a tree is planted.  

All the shipping material and packaging is recyclable. We are also totally plastic free (besides re-using small plastic bags we have handy for samples). All our wax melts come in glassine bags rather than plastic. The glassine bags we use are fully sustainable, biodegradable and recyclable.

If you’re new here – welcome! Thanks for taking the time to read about Elwaxis Gifts! Below is a 10% discount off your first order as a welcome gift!